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2025 Delaware Home Education Convention Exhibitor Guidelines

Thanks for thinking of joining us!

The 2025 Delaware Home Education Convention will see homeschool families from across Delaware and surrounding states convene to grow in their homeschool maturity, which includes seeing what various exhibitors and vendors have to offer. To best serve our attendees, Tri-State Homeschool aims to fill our limited space with the most impactful mix of home education-related products and services. Tri-State may select or refuse exhibitors to avoid duplication of similar vendors or to promote the best use of space and time for convention attendees. Tri-State reserves the right to refuse any exhibitor application with or without comment for any or no reason.

Main Convention website

Exhibitor FAQs

What time do exhibitor spaces need to be staffed?

The exhibitor hall will be open to attendees from Noon to 4:00pm on Saturday, March 29, 2025.


What times are available for setup?

Setup times are from 6:00-8:00pm on Friday, March 28, 2025 or 7:00-10:00am on Saturday, March 29, 2025.


What spaces are available?

Spaces are 10'x10' laid out side-by-side within a gymnasium. Lunch will take place in a portion of the same gymnasium to maximize foot traffic.


Besides an exhibitor space, what other participation options are available?

  1. Convention Program Ad: You can place an ad in our printed program: Full page ads and half page ads are available. Ad submissions must be electronic in either SVG or PNG formats and must be received by Tri-State Homeschool by February 28, 2025.

  2. Welcome Bag: You can provide giveaways/swag to be distributed to each attendee during the convention for $50. Items must be received by Tri-State Homeschool by March 22, 2025 (Tri-State will fill the bags). This can be any physical giveaway item to advertise your business or organization, with a few limitations: We ask that items not be too heavy for attendees to carry (e.g. ceramic mugs aren't a good option) and to help keep our rented venue cleaner, please do not include food/candy/chocolate.
    Some ideas:

    • A pen

    • A flyer/brochure

    • Advertising postcard

    • Other printed material (e.g. a QR code to a catalog)

    • T-shirt

    • Hat

    • Key chain

    • Stickers

    • Etc.

For both of the above options, use the same application as exhibitor spaces below.


What are the file requirements for printed ads?

Full page ads: 5.75" W x 8.75" H including  a bleed of 1/8" (0.125 in) on all sides. The final printed full page size is 5.5" W x 8.5" H.
Half page ads: 5.75" W x 4.375" H including  a bleed of 1/8" (0.125 in) on all sides. The final printed half page space is 5.5" W x 4.25" H.
Resolution: At least 300dpi

Ads will be printed in color (CMYK)

Exhibitor Application

Company/Organization Information (as it should appear in an exhibitor listing in the convention program)

Representative Contact Information (for coordinating participation at the convention)

Product/Service Offering


Convention Participation

Participation options Required
Table options for booths

Lunch for 1 person is included for exhibitors operating a booth during the convention. If additional lunches are desired, please indicate the number needed here at $12.50 each.

Preferred payment method. (Payments are due February 15, 2025)

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©2025 by Tri-State Homeschool, Inc.

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